JAKARTA – The victim of the exhibitionist incident at the Bina Warga Poci Gang, Lubang Buaya, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, admitted that he had experienced the same incident twice. The woman with the initials E admitted that the first incident occurred last week. And the second time, it happened today, Thursday, June 9, at noon.

"The perpetrator saw me removing his penis. He's been a victim twice. The first was when I was delivering school children. The same incident, he (the perpetrator) took out his penis. The first incident was last Sunday," said E, to reporters at the scene, Thursday, June 9th.

As a result of the incident the victim was traumatized and did not dare to leave the house alone. He also refused to report to the police.

"Not yet reported, the plan is to report to the police because it is disturbing," he said.

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