KALBAR - The Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD) of North Kayong Regency, West Kalimantan Province, provided assistance to a child who was sexually abused by a 40-year-old man.

"The case of sexual abuse with child victims is still being handled by the North Kayong Police, so we provide assistance to victims and witnesses as long as the case is still being handled by the police," said Commissioner of KPAD for North Kayong Regency, Warjani in Sukadana, quoted from Antara, Thursday. , June 9th.

He explained that the assistance was carried out both to victims and witnesses from the examination process, to the recovery process in the community, to the trial.

"We (KPAD) as an independent non-governmental institution always prioritize children's rights. We have provided assistance to victims and child witnesses from the examination process, post-mortem, trial, to recovery in the community," he said.

He also regrets that there are still high cases of sexual abuse in North Kayong. In fact, according to him, cases like this are often the ones closest to the victim.

"We regret that cases like this happen again to children. In the future, we will be more aggressive in conducting outreach to villages and schools so that problems like this do not happen again," he said.

As for the chronology of the obscenity incident, the victim was fishing not far from the resident's settlement with his colleagues.

The perpetrator came to the location to meet the victim and her friends, then asked the victim's friends to go buy fishing rods and bait.

"After the victim's friends left, the perpetrator immediately carried out his depraved act," he said.

On that occasion, the KPAD of North Kayong Regency hoped that the perpetrators would be punished as severely as possible so as to provide a deterrent effect.

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