JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said all its cadres must be disciplined. This is in accordance with the direction of the Chairperson of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Hasto's statement was delivered in response to the polemic ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) and the emergence of the name of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, who is said to intend to advance in the five-year political contestation.

"Our directive is that we are one big family that unites themselves in the PDIP organization with a long history with big aspirations for a great Indonesia. So, everyone is disciplined," Hasto told reporters at the At-Taufiq Mosque, Jalan Lenteng Angung, South Jakarta. , Wednesday, June 8th.

Hasto stressed that this attitude of discipline must be carried out by all cadres. Moreover, the 2024 presidential election has been running and implemented well.

"Regarding the 2024 presidential election, the mechanism that has been running has been implemented properly and Pak Jokowi was born in 2014 and many national and regional leaders were born," he explained.

Hasto said that PDIP is currently not talking about the names that are expected to run in the upcoming presidential election. His party prefers to work on the conception of the future.

"What we are discussing is a conception of the future direction of the nation that is digging back from the pattern of universally planned development," said Hasto.

"That's what the party has prepared and when Mrs. Mega (PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri) makes a decision, all future designs are ready and that's what makes the difference. We are different," he added.

Previously, a number of declarations of support for the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo. In response to this, senior PDIP politician Hendrawan Supratikno warned that the PDIP presidential candidate would be decided directly by Megawati Soekarnoputri as the general chairman.

"Part of the dialectic and deliberation is to make the best choice, which will be decided by the Ketum," said Hendrawan.

Besides Hendrawan, the party cadre bearing the bull symbol also talked about the agility of Ganjar volunteers in calling for presidential candidacy.

PDIP politician Masinton Pasaribu, for example, doubts that the declaration made by village volunteers for Ganjar Pranowo or 'Des Ganjar' is an organic movement from the community. The national declaration which was held on Bandeng beach, Jepara Regency, was attended by thousands of people and lasted two days.

Then, there were Trimedya Pandjaitan and Bambang Wuryanto alias Bambang Pacul who called Ganjar 'kemlinthi' because they were passionate about nyapres.

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