SURABAYA - Fraud under the guise of a bogus social gathering has occurred again in the city of Surabaya, East Java. This time it was experienced by Tata Bintang, who claimed to be tricked by his friend with the initials IS who works as a singer.

"I lost IDR 98 million after joining the social gathering," said Tata, when he visited the Cyber Sub-Directorate V of the Special Crimes Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of the East Java Police, Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

Tata said that he joined the social gathering because he believed in and knew IS, who was his friend. Tata admits that he is interested because IS promises big profits. "The arisan is promised, for example, buying (slots) of Rp. 5 million, two months later, you will get a profit of Rp. 10 million," he said.

But it turns out that what IS promised is a fake. How could it not be, after participating in the social gathering for two years from 2020 to 2022, he has not yet made a profit. Meanwhile, he has deposited Rp 98 million to IS.

Knowing this, various ways Tata did so that IS returned the money. Including visiting IS's house, but never succeeded because the door was not opened or IS was not found. "I went there without opening the door, I don't want to be like that again," he said.

However, continued Tata, IS then promised to return his money. However, in installments by IS in the amount of Rp. 1 million, it was only once and then nothing.

Feeling that he was cheated by IS, Tata then ventured to complain to the police. Apart from himself, Tata said as many as 30 other arisan members also plan to report to the police.

This certainty after Tata communicated with other members. He hoped the police would follow up on the report, so that the perpetrators would be arrested.

"As far as I know there are 30 members in the problematic group. Many residents of Surabaya, there are also those from Jakarta and Bali. I hope the police can catch the perpetrators, so that there are no other victims," he said.

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