PEKANBARU - The Dumai Class II Immigration Office deported Malaysian citizen (WN) Jong Pei Liang through Dumai International Port because he violated the residence permit, exceeding the 3 year limit.

"Jong Pei Liang was deported because based on Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. Immigration is in charge of supervising foreigners to ensure their benefits and in order to support the maintenance of community stability," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Riau, Mhd. Jahari Sitepu in Pekanbaru was reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

Jong Pei Liang was deported on June 6, 2022. The Regional Head of Regional Office said that if there was a violation, the Immigration office had the right to follow up in accordance with the law.

Jahari also asked all Immigration staff to always work in accordance with the applicable SOPs.

"With the reopening of international traffic lanes, foreign traffic will automatically increase. As an officer on guard at the forefront, I hope that all levels of Immigration in Riau continue to carry out their duties and functions to the maximum. Do not hesitate to take action against foreigners who violate the rules," said the Regional Head of Regional Office.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Dumai Immigration Office for Rejeki Putera Ginting explained that Jong Pei Liang was proven to have violated Immigration Article 78 paragraph 3 (three) of Law No. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

"Administrative measures imposed on Jong Pei Liang in addition to deportation are also bans. This means that he is not allowed to enter Indonesian territory in the future," said Ginting.

Jong Pei Liang has entered the territory of Indonesia through the Sultan Syarif Kasim Airport (SSK) II Pekanbaru on July 23, 2019 with the motive of meeting his future wife who is an Indonesian citizen.

While returning to Malaysia via Dumai International Port on 27 May 2022, officers found evidence of a residence permit violation.

The deportation process which took place at the Dumai International Port at 08.50 WIB went safely and smoothly while still implementing health protocols.

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