MEDAN - The specialist in breaking into the boarding house, Zulkifli alias Kifli (36) was arrested by the East Medan Police. The perpetrator was arrested for stealing laptops and cellphones belonging to students who live in a boarding house on Jalan Ampera Raya, East Medan District, Medan City.

The East Medan Police Chief, Kompol Rona Tambunan, said the perpetrator was arrested on a report from his victim, Bryan Dimas Adji Nugroho.

The theft was discovered when the victim woke up, Saturday, June 4, morning. According to him, the perpetrators are suspected of having committed frequent thefts in boarding houses.

"The victim saw that his laptop was gone," said Commissioner Rona accompanied by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Jefri Simamora, Tuesday, June 7.

Seeing this, the victim then woke up his friend who was still sleeping and asked him where his laptop was.

"The victim's friend said that the victim's laptop was placed on the table. The victim's friend also looked for his cellphone, which was placed on the chair in front of the glass, and it wasn't there either," he said.

Feeling something was wrong, the two victims then checked the condition of their boarding house. At that time, the victim saw that the window of his boarding house was open.

"Suspicious that they had just stolen, the victim made a complaint to the East Medan Police," he said.

Kompol Rona said the police who received the report immediately launched an investigation. From the results of the investigation, officers received a report that the perpetrator was identified as Zulkifli alias Kifli (36), a resident of Jalan Ampera III, East Medan District, who was at his house.

"The police immediately moved quickly to arrest the perpetrator and secure him from his residence," he explained.

After being interrogated, the perpetrator Kifli admitted that he stole the victim's laptop and cellphone. Furthermore, the perpetrator was immediately taken to the East Medan Police Headquarters for the investigation process.

To the police, the perpetrator admitted that he entered the victim's room by first climbing the wall using a rope and an iron hook. Then enter the boarding room by opening the window.

The suspect also admitted that the victim's belongings had been sold to a man named Alpin alias Wakwaw on Jalan Ampera III.

"Laptops are sold for Rp. 1 million and cellphones for Rp. 650 thousand. We are still chasing the victim's belongings," he said.

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