ACEH - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) team and the Aceh Provincial Social Service together with the East Aceh District Social Service verified a number of houses that were not suitable for habitation by the community in the district that was proposed to receive rehabilitation assistance.

"Right now, it is still an initial assessment of a number of uninhabitable houses in Aceh Regency. The results will later be submitted to superiors," said Hijrah, representative of the Directorate General of Social Security Protection at the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in East Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

Hijrah said the assessment and field observations were to see firsthand the actual conditions. And that becomes the initial condition for further action, whether the house is eligible or not to get assistance.

"After completing this field assessment, hopefully, the follow-up will also be fast and there will be no obstacles in administration and other provisions so that uninhabitable houses in East Aceh can be assisted," said Hijrah.

Head of the East Aceh Social Service, Elfiandi, said that the purpose of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs team's visit to East Aceh was to verify houses belonging to residents in a number of villages in Darul Aman District, East Aceh.

"After the assessment, the Ministry of Social Affairs will determine whether the house is suitable for assistance or not. The assistance is for the rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses," said Elfiandi.

In addition to directly seeing and assessing the uninhabitable house, said Elfiandi, the Ministry of Social Affairs team also distributed business capital assistance to owners of uninhabitable houses.

"In addition, the supporting institutions also distribute assistance in the form of basic needs and household supporting equipment such as beds and cupboards and others," said Elfiandi.

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