JAKARTA - PDI-P politician Budiman Sudjatmiko considers the members of the DPR RI to have failed to build political communication with civil society regarding the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Act.

Budiman doubts that the DPR fully understands the provisions in the Job Creation Law, both beneficial and detrimental. This has resulted in poor communication with civil society.

"In fact, civil society needs guarantees that the Omnibus Law does not harm them. Actually, there are several things that can be answered by the DPR. However, they are not answered with full and relevant arguments," said Budiman in a webinar discussion held by the Political Journalists Forum, Thursday, October 22. .

In Budiman's view, DPR members only campaign for the potential to increase investment if the Job Creation Law is passed. In fact, according to Budiman, the DPR can communicate the ease of cooperation through village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) and UMKM.

"It's not just that we need investment. Because, about investment, we have a rather bad connotation in the past. In a sense such as displacing and tormenting the people," he said.

Budiman admitted that a number of regulatory points in the labor cluster in the Job Creation Law were detrimental. However, Budiman wants society to be objective about work challenges in line with technological developments.

"Indeed, the problems are about employment, the environment, and some things are disappointing. But if we are objective, there will indeed be a paradigm shift regarding the concept of work," explained Budiman.

"The development of technology makes jobs don't even need factories and humans can be replaced with robots. This must also be considered for all of us and in reality we cannot ignore it," he continued.

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