JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto officially holds a doctorate after being declared graduated from the Defense University (IDU) with the summa cum laude predicate.

The decision was read out by Major General Joni Widjayanto, chairman of the open session for doctoral promotion at the Defense University (Unhan) Sentul Bogor, West Java, Monday, June 6.

"After listening to the statements and considerations of the examiner board, as well as the scores that have been given, I read out the results of the open promotion session and the judicial trial for the doctoral program at the Indonesian Defense University. The name is Doctor Engineer Hasto Kristiyanto MM... Predicate summa cum laude," said Joni.

"You have the right to hold the 19th Indonesian defense science doctorate," he added.

Prior to the announcement, the trial was suspended for 10 minutes to provide an opportunity for the board of examiners to conduct the trial.

Those who acted to test Hasto's dissertation included the Chairperson of the PDIP who is also the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian, and the Head of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Budi Gunawan.

After Joni's announcement, the Secretary for the Doctoral Program of the Defense University, Herlina Juni Risma Saragih, announced the decree formalizing Hasto's achievements.

The Decree of the Chancellor of the Indonesian Defense University number 172 of 2022 concerning the determination of post-graduate education at the Indonesian Defense University doctoral program in 2022 stated that Hasto was entitled to a doctorate in defense science and was signed by the Chancellor of the Indonesian Defense University, Vice Admiral Amarullah Octavian.

There is also Hasto's dissertation that contains the geopolitical theory of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno or Bung Karno. As an external examiner, the Head of BIN, Budi Gunawan, admitted that he was impressed by what Hasto wrote about discussing discourse using the quantitative method.

"We were all amazed. And it's difficult to ask because it's such a great dissertation that has been written and presented with such passion," he said.

"We know that in academia, the discourses discussed generally use qualitative methods. Indeed, in the academic world, there are many people who are brave and they are the only ones who dare to write this discussion using a quantitative method,” he added.

Likewise, the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, also said that the dissertation was one of the best.

"We see honestly, we have done doctoral tests several times, and I read these 415 pages from beginning to end, and I see sorry, I don't mean to praise, this is one of the best dissertations I have ever read," said Tito, who was greeted with applause. the hands of those present.

In terms of the flow of the dissertation content, Tito admitted that Hasto's writing was correct and succeeded in formulating problems and solutions.

On the other hand, the former National Police Chief assessed that Hasto had succeeded in formulating Soekarno's Geopolitics as a Progressive Geopolitical Coexistence with five main characteristics and seven variables of thought.

Hasto dared to go forward by elevating Soekarno's geopolitics as a theory, which could be the basis or foundation of our national defense concept.

"I see in this conclusion, Pak promovendus (Hasto, ed) has the courage to find a new theory. Because they dared to implement Bung Karno's thoughts for the current state defense concept," said Tito.

"And in the academic world, it's worth finding a new theory. In the British System it's called 'graduated with first class owner', in our language it's called summa cum laude," he said.

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