JAKARTA - Members of Polda Metro Jaya are investigating and hunting down intellectual actors who are suspected of moving students to infiltrate and create chaos during a demonstration against the Job Creation Law, some time ago.

"We will pursue the upper part, we are still investigating, we will pursue it wherever we go," said Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 22.

Currently, Polda Metro Jaya officers have secured and named three young students with student status as administrators of Facebook and Instagram groups that contain incitement and provocation against a number of high school (SMA) level students.

"If you look at the content of the group, what you bring, what will you meet the police, make a riot, burn this and that, you are in that group. Various things were conveyed in that group, it was incitement, including on 8.13 and 20. Last October everything had been distributed, it was a form of incitement, "said Yusri.

Furthermore, Yusri said the police would intensively examine the three suspects to find the main culprit controlling the administrators of the provocative social media accounts.

"So we are looking for it, this is the admin first. We will investigate it again later on," concluded Yusri.

Previously, the members of Polda Metro Jaya arrested the three youths with the initials MLAI (16), WH (16), and SN (17).

The MLAI and WH suspects were arrested by the police because they acted as administrators of the Facebook group "STM All Jabodetabek" which incited students to riot during a demonstration. The Facebook group "STM as Jabodetabek" is known to have around 20,000 members.

Meanwhile, another young man with the initials SN as the admin of the Instagram account "@ length. Age. Resistance" also contains incitement and provocation to create a riot.

The three of them were also known to have invited students to take part in demonstrations that ended in chaos on Thursday, October 8 and Tuesday, October 13.

The social media account also again invited his followers to riot on social media during a demonstration on Tuesday 20 October.

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