MAKASSAR - The Pinisi ship was chosen by the millennial community in Makassar, South Sulawesi, to celebrate the 351th anniversary (HUT) of South Sulawesi. This Pinisi ship sails around the waters of Losari Beach.

The manager of the Pinisi Pusaka Indonesia Ship '', Achmad Zulkarnaen said that the celebration of the South Sulawesi anniversary which was jointly initiated was carried out voluntarily. This celebration does not burden the regional budget.

"We gather here as a form of our concern for our beloved South Sulawesi. We have not used a dime of government funds. This is purely a spontaneous act of cultural arts actors, young artists, content creators, tourism ambassadors and regional influencers," said Ahmad in a written statement, Wednesday, October 21.

Achmad, who is also the administrator of the Regional Tourism Promotion Board (BPPD) of South Sulawesi, said that the collaboration between art activists, tourism ambassadors and local influencers was carried out by means of donations between communities.

"The appearance of cultural figures from Daeng Serang with local artists who are currently happening, such as bugis singer Daeng Aris, Agogo Violin, Indonesian Idol Putri finalists, SOB Band together with representatives of tourism ambassadors and local influencers. They performed all out on a pinisi boat," he explained.

The Pinisi ship headed by Captain Irdam and 2 assistant captains Indra & Bai became the organizer together with Perspective Lab content creator activists, DPD Association of Indonesian Tourism Ambassadors (Adwindo) South Sulawesi and supported by BPBD South Sulawesi.

"Representatives of South Sulawesi BPPD who have been opening up creative spaces for community elements and art activists are deliberately invited. At least they as regional representatives can witness our collaborative work presented to the region," said Achmad.

The series of events was opened with the appearance of the Maestro Gendang Daeng Serang Dakko. There was also an Agogo violinist who invited the passengers and crew to sing Indonesia Raya together.

"I am happy that young people want to preserve their own culture. I hope our generation can be as strong as a pinisi pole, which never breaks in the midst of a storm," said Daeng Serang.

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