JAKARTA - The Ancol Dreamland Marina Pier, Pademangan, North Jakarta can still be used by tourists and residents to cross from North Jakarta to the Thousand Islands during Formula E on Saturday, June 4

PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Corporate Communication Manager Ariyadi Eko Nugroho said that every Thousand Islands tourist only needs to show proof of registration or payment for their respective departure boat tickets at the Marina Ancol gate.

"So specifically for tourists who are on vacation to Pulau Seribu, we direct them to enter through the Marina Ancol gate," said Eko, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 3.

As for the residents of the Thousand Islands, it is the same, only showing the original Identity Card (KTP) to be able to enter the Marina Ancol door.

"We are directing one door for June 4, for residents and tourists, so that it is easier and the distance is closer to the port," said Eko.

The management of Ancol Dreamland Park also enforces a wrist strap to distinguish Ancol regular visitors from Jakarta Formula E ticket holders.

Spectators who bought regular Ancol tickets for Rp. 25,000 were asked to show proof of purchasing electronic tickets from the website www.ancol.com to officers so they could get paper bracelets.

Regular visitors who have regular ticket wristbands can only reach the Ancol park and beach area.

Meanwhile, holders of Formula E tickets for the Ancol Festival category for IDR 250 thousand (not including 15 percent tax) can access the concert location to a number of recreational units at Ancol Dreamland Park.

This category does not provide special parking, so it is recommended to use public transportation to get to the Ancol Dreamland Park area.

Ancol management also arranges the gate for regular tourists, Formula E ticket holders for the Ancol Festival category and other Formula E audience categories.

For regular tourists and spectators of Formula E in the Ancol Festival category, there are four gates that can be entered on Saturday.

The four gates are the west gate, the Marina gate, the south gate and the TransJakarta gate or the bus way gate for pedestrians.

Meanwhile, the east gate entrance is specifically for Formula E spectators for other categories who are picked up for free using a shuttle bus from the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta.

Later, all vehicle parking will be centered in the JI-Expo Kemayoran area.

Meanwhile, Formula E spectators with VVIP Royal Suite class tickets can get off at the entrance of the circuit.

VVIP Royal Suite ticket holders get a special sticker when entering the location from the Ancol Carnival Gate using a private vehicle.

However, after dropping off passengers (drop off) at the circuit area, the vehicle must be parked in the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) area.

Only the entourage of President Joko Widodo is allowed to park in the Ancol circuit area.

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