MEDAN - Medan mayor candidate Akhyar Nasution has fulfilled the summons for the Medan Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). Akhyar was examined regarding his presence at the house of Tahfidz Anwar Saadah assisted by the extended family under the Wheel Tree (Dipora).

"Yes, it's true that I was summoned based on Hasan Basri Sinaga's report," said Akhyar at the Medan Bawaslu office, Wednesday, October 21.

Akhyar denied that he was campaigning at the Tahfidz house. The candidate number one for the mayor of Medan admitted that he was only invited to visit the Tahfidz house.

"I know the rules and I will never break the rules. I only attended to see the children of the candidates for hafidz Al Quran, so I thank you for saving the future of their children," continued Akhyar.

Because of that, Akhyar asked the Medan Bawaslu to study his report first. According to him there were irregularities in the report.

Because, according to Akhyar, the reporter admitted that he had just returned from Batubara Regency. Besides that, the reporter is also not domiciled in the area of the Tahfidz house.

"I also asked the truth of this report. I read in the media, he (the reporter) returned from Batubara, a Marelan person there. How did he know," continued Akhyar.

"So I also want to know the logic of the correctness of his report, don't just report it. I also have the right to report him for the untruth of his report," said Akhyar.

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