JAKARTA - The Minggir Police, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, have stopped their investigation and released a motorcycle thief with the initials AN (19), a resident of Magelang, Central Java. It's all because the victim of the theft has forgiven the perpetrator's actions.

"The perpetrator was previously charged with Article 362 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with a threat of 5 years in prison," said Head of the Minggir Sector Police (Kapolsek) AKP Noor Dwi Cahyanto in Sleman, Thursday, June 2.

The victim of the theft on behalf of Zainal Arifin who lives in Sendangmulyo has forgiven the victim's actions. Previously, they had known each other and had time to earn a living together.

"In this case, we are trying to implement restorative justice. This is based on Article 4 and Article 5 of the Regulation of the Indonesian National Police Number 8 of 2021 concerning the Handling of Crimes Based on Restorative Justice. The formal and material must be complete," he said.

In addition, he said, the parents of the victim and the perpetrator had also known each other and together wanted to resolve this issue amicably.

"The perpetrator has never been caught in legal trouble," he said.

The victim and the perpetrator are like brothers, usually selling round tofu and contracting together in a house, Sendangmulyo, Minggir.

At the time of the theft incident, the perpetrator came to the rented house in Minggir upon his return from Magelang on Friday (27/5) afternoon when the victim was selling round tofu. The perpetrator entered the victim's house through the side window of the warehouse room.

The perpetrator deliberately came to the rented house in Minggir to take a break after he had a disagreement with his parents in Magelang and had time to drink alcohol.

"In the rented house, the perpetrator wanted to buy more liquor, from there the intention arose to take the victim's motorbike which was parked in the living room. Incidentally the key was in the motorbike," he said.

The perpetrator took the victim's motorbike to the Kreo Bridge, on the border of Minggir District, Sleman with Kulon Progo Regency.

The perpetrator then went to Kopeng Salatiga, Central Java, to replace the motorcycle rim by bartering the rim.

"From Salatiga, the perpetrator took a stolen motorbike to Pekalongan to meet a former colleague but did not get to meet him, then returned to Magelang," he said.

After the victim came home from selling, he found his motorbike was gone. The victim had asked some of his colleagues. However, they don't know anything.

"Due to this incident, the victim then reported the case of the disappearance of his motorbike to the Minggir Police," he said.

After receiving the report, his party immediately followed up with an investigation.

"We received initial instructions that the victim's motorbike was a friend of hers who lived in a rented house in Minggir," he said.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator AN admitted that he was desperate to take the victim's motorbike without permission because at that time he was frantic and needed a vehicle to buy liquor. However, instead of being returned, the motorbike was taken out of town.

"There is no intention to sell (motorcycles). I just want to buy liquor. I went to Salatiga and Pekalongan because I was confused about where to go," said AN.

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