JAYAPURA - Sarmi Police, Papua, have named 7 people as suspects for blocking the Tor Bridge, Mafen Tor Village, Fien District. The seven suspects had the initials ME, KS, AB, ET, JB, TS, and EM.

Head of Public Relations of the Papuan Police, Commissioner Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, said the seven people were named suspects after investigators examined several witnesses and secured evidence.

Currently, 5 people have been detained and two others are still being treated in hospital.

"A series of investigations have been carried out by investigators on the witnesses and the suspect himself so that sufficient preliminary evidence is obtained to establish the 7 people as suspects. Currently, 5 people have been detained while 2 people have not been detained because they are still being treated at Bhayangkara Hospital", said Commissioner Kamal, quoted from a written statement, Thursday, June 2.

The suspects of blocking the Tor Sarmi bridge, Papua, are charged with Article 192 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 9 years.

"Whoever intentionally destroys, damages, or renders buildings unusable for public traffic, or obstructs public land or water roads, or thwarts efforts to secure buildings or roads, is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 9 years", said Commissioner Kamal.

Pemalangan was carried out by the Mafentor community related to demands for payment of Ulayat rights from the local government for the flow of the Muara Tor River that crosses the Muara Tor Bridge.

"The Pemalangan began at 13.15 WIT, which was attended by approximately 100 combined masses from the residents of Kampung Tor Atas, Mafentor, and Apawer, by burning used tires on the bridge", said Commissioner Kamal.

The crowd was met by District Head Fien Izak Yawir who gave understanding to the residents, but they were ignored.

"Knowing that there was an obstacle, Sarmi Police personnel arrived at the scene trying to coordinate with the masses to stop the action, but the masses still did not heed it", continued Commissioner Kamal.

After that came the Head of Ops Police Sarmi and Regional Secretary, Elias Bakay, to have a dialogue with the masses. But the masses even act anarchistic.

"Not accepting the results of the dialogue, the masses then assaulted the Sarmi Regency Secretary and members who were securing the action and damaged two official police vehicles", said Commissioner Kamal.

Seeing the mass action getting out of control, members then blocked the road to block the mass action. But the violent mob instead attacked the officers with a jubilee and arrows.

The police fired warning shots in the air to disperse the crowd, then the crowd retreated towards Mafen Tor Village. Sarmi Regional Secretary was then taken to public health because he was injured.

In addition, 3 police officers and 6 residents were injured in the riots in Sarmi.

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