INDRAMAYU - The Satreskrim team of the Indramayu Police, West Java, arrested a young man with the initials DP (19) who was suspected of committing a crime of robbing a shop because he was entangled in online loans (pinjol) and online gambling.

"The suspect was desperate to rob to pay off an online loan that was due," said Indramayu Police Chief AKBP Lukman Syarif as reported by Antara, Thursday, June 2.

Lukman said the suspect DP had an online loan debt of Rp. 6 million which had matured and was subject to a fine of up to Rp. 12 million.

Every day, according to the suspect's confession, the online lender continues to collect the debt. The perpetrator was desperate to rob.

According to him, the suspect DP was entangled in an online loan to play online gambling which had been around for about four months.

"The perpetrator borrowed money to play online gambling and it was due, so he was desperate to rob," he said.

The suspect DP carried out the action of robbing a grocery store alone on Tuesday (31/5) night at around 22.40 WIB. The suspect brought and pointed a sharp weapon at the employees who were counting money because the shop was about to be closed. The suspect held around Rp. 19 million in cash.

"Our suspect imposed Article 365 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a maximum imprisonment of seven years," said Lukman.

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