JAKARTA - Chairman of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) RI Rahmat Bagja said his party plans to intensify socialization regarding strengthening neutrality and preventing violations of the neutrality of the state civil apparatus (ASN) in the 2024 Simultaneous General Election and Pilkada. together with the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN), the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, the provincial government, and district governments, especially at the provincial and district/city levels. , both with the KASN, the Ombudsman, the provincial government, and the district government," he told reporters after witnessing the signing of a memorandum of understanding between KASN and the Ombudsman at the Ombudsman Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 31. is about the proper use of social media in the ASN environment so as not to affect So far, according to him, there are several ASN, especially the young ones, who do not yet know whether the use of features like liking, commenting, and sharing on election contestants' uploads is a violation of neutrality."(Discussion in socialization) For example, do likes, comments, and shares support person A, person B has a problem or not. Social media is a new thing, even some ASN, especially those who are young, are not aware that the use of social media can affect their neutrality," said Bagja. , said Bagja, not only being reported by the public, but also by fellow ASN. To protect the complainants or reporters, especially those from regional ASNs, Bagja said Bawaslu is still discussing the protection efforts with the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). According to him, complainants who come from ASN in the regions are more vulnerable to threats and various disturbances than ASN in ministries/agencies due to the strong local political culture that prioritizes kinship. LPSK," said Bagja.

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