JAKARTA - The Director-General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin, emphasized that the religious moderation promoted by the Jokowi government is different from liberalism.

"Religious moderation has never taught all true religions, not at all. Religious moderation for Muslims continues to teach Islam as the truest religion and the religion that leads us to heaven and the pleasure of Allah", said Kamaruddin as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 31.

Kamaruddin said religious moderation does not mean silencing of faith. According to him, many residents do not understand religious moderation, so false news is circulating about the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government's priority program.

Religious moderation, he said, means having a firm belief in Islam but it is necessary to respect and appreciate each other without insulting and insulting those who differ from their beliefs.

"If liberals ignore religious texts, they even ignore what has been generally agreed to use ratios freely. That is not religious moderation", he said.

Therefore, Kamaruddin emphasized that religious moderation teaches all religious adherents to practice the religious teachings they believe in militantly but must be able to respect and respect people who have different beliefs.

"Regardless of religion, you must respect other people's choices. Because all Indonesian citizens have the same rights before the state", he said.

On the other hand, Kamaruddin invited all employees of the Directorate General of Islamic Community Guidance to disseminate the notion of religious moderation to the public.

"As the spearhead of the religious moderation program, all employees of the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance are obliged to disseminate and make the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government priority programs successful", he said.

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