JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has submitted a cassation to the Supreme Court (MA) on the appeal decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court against the former President Director of PT Pelindo II, Richard Joost Lino alias RJ Lino.

RJ Lino is a defendant in a corruption case in the procurement and maintenance of 3 units of Quayside Container Crane (QCC) in 2010.

"Currently, the Corruption Eradication Commission's team of prosecutors has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court on behalf of the defendant RJ Lino," said Plt. KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, May 30.

Ali also revealed the reason for his institution to file an appeal. The KPK assessed that the Jakarta High Court panel of judges did not apply the legal regulations as they should related to the non-imposition of a criminal penalty of approximately 1.99 million US dollars in compensation for the company Wuxi Hua DongHeavy Machinery Science And Technology Group Co Ltd. (HDHM) China.

He said that the imposition of replacement money on the Chinese HDHM company was very appropriate and reasonable as the legal basis for the KPK executor prosecutor's team to later execute in the form of collecting replacement money as part of recovering state losses due to corruption.

"The imposition of replacement money on the Chinese HDHM company is also a form of upholding the rule of law of the Indonesian state," he said.

In addition, the KPK also hopes that the Chinese authorities will support efforts to handle the case as a form of global commitment in eradicating corruption.

"We will immediately draw up a complete cassation memory and submit it to the Supreme Court through the Central Jakarta District Court," said Ali.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta High Court rejected the KPK's appeal against RJ Lino.

"To try, to strengthen the decision of the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court Number 44/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PNJkt.Pst dated December 14, 2021 with improvements as long as the court fees charged to the defendant in the two levels of justice are in the first instance. amounting to Rp. 7,500.00 and an appeal rate of Rp. 2,000.00," said Chairman of the Binsar Appeals Council, Pamopo Pakpahan, according to the appeal decision document received on Monday, May 9.

The verdict was read out on April 27, 2022 by Binsar Pamopo Pakpahan as Chair of the Appeals Council with Mohammad Luthfi, Gunawan Gusmo, Yuli Bartin Setyaningsih, and Hotma Maya Marbun each as member judges.

RJ Lino was sentenced to 4 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison based on the decision of the panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) on December 14, 2021.

Based on this decision, the KPK filed an appeal and requested that RJ Lino be sentenced to 6 years in prison plus a fine of IDR 500 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison as demanded by the KPK public prosecutor (JPU).

The KPK prosecutor also requested that the panel of judges impose a replacement sentence of US$1,997,740,23 for China's HDHM.

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