BABEL - COVID-19 cases in Bangka Belitung (Babel) have subsided. All regions in the province have also implemented Level 1 restrictions on community activities (PPKM).

Secretary of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Babel Mikron Antariksa said, in the past week there were no cases of COVID-19 in seven regencies and cities in the area.

According to him, currently there is only one person infected with the corona virus who is still undergoing quarantine. "There is one active COVID-19 patient, who is still undergoing isolation, in West Bangka," he said in Pangkalpinang, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 30.

He explained that there are five levels of status in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, ranging from zero to four, based on the health system's response capacity (case finding, contact tracing, and treatment capacity) to transmission levels in an area.

"Level zero is a situation where an area that has adequate response capacity has no cases at all. This is what all of us must pursue and aim for," he said.

He said that local governments are trying to speed up the completion of vaccinations, implement restrictions on community activities, and campaign for the implementation of health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 to reach zero level.

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