GUNUNG KIDUL - Monitoring Post of the Search and Rescue Team Community Protection Unit Region II Baron Krakal Beach, Gunung Kidul Regency is threatened with subsidence due to being hit by high tidal waves and abrasion.

The SAR Coordinator of the Gunung Kidul Satlinmas Region II SAR, Marjono said, the Baron SAR personnel of the Region II Satlinmas, assisted by the Tanjungsari Police, evacuated equipment and installed police lines so that tourists would not approach.

"The condition of the Krakal Coast Monitoring Post is quite alarming, so we evacuate the equipment that is urgently needed," said Marjono in Gunung Kidul, Sunday, May 29.

He said that, for the time being, six personnel on duty at the Krakal Beach Post were staying at community-owned stalls because the condition of the post was uninhabitable and worrying.

"How long ago this post was affected by abrasion, then followed by a tidal wave resulting in the post being subject to abrasion," he said, as reported by Antara.

Marjono said that the Krakal Beach Monitoring Post was built in 1999 and was used in 2000. It is no longer feasible because it is dangerous. His party has reported this condition to the Gunung Kidul Regency Government, and some time ago it was reviewed by the relevant parties.

"Hopefully it will be realized soon, this post every weekend or holiday is often used for the joint SAR Satlinmas post with the TNI and Polri to monitor thousands of tourists who come," said Marjono.

Meanwhile, Tanjungsari Police Chief AKP Wawan Anggoro said his party had installed a police line around the Satlinmas SAR Monitoring Post to anticipate tourists taking shelter around the location.

"We put up a police line so that tourists don't get close to this building because it is feared it will collapse," he said.

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