ASAHAN - TikTokers wearing hijabs who went viral for creating video content that showed off their sensitive parts, breasts, apologized. This female content has gone viral on TikTok.

The woman with the initials RAM, the owner of the Tiktok account @babbyca666 apologized for her actions.

The apology was conveyed by Aulia in a meeting or mediation conducted by the Asahan Police with religious leaders, mass organizations and Islamic students.

The meeting was held in the Banquet Hall of the Asahan Police, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Saturday, May 28.

Present at the meeting of Asahan Police Deputy Chief Commissioner Sri Juliani Siregar, Asahan Police Intelligence and Security Officer AKP M. Noor.

Then the Chair of the MUI of Asahan Regency H. Salman Abdulah Tanjung LC, the Head of the Asahan Ministry of Religion, Islamic Organizations as well as the RAM family.

During the meeting, the woman RAM apologized directly to Muslims, her family and the Marpaung clan association for her actions.

RAM also promised not to repeat similar actions in the future.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the MUI of Asahan Regency H. Salman Abdulah Tanjung LC appealed to the public and Islamic organizations, especially in Asahan Regency to accept an apology from RAM.

"And no longer bring problems to complex realms and legal processes," he said, quoted from a written statement by the Asahan Police Public Relations.

Salman also appealed to the public to take this incident as a whip and a warning, a lesson to always be careful and wise in using social media.

"Especially for sister RAM, I hope that in the future we can improve ourselves, repent to Allah SWT and be wise in using social media," said Salman.

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