JAYAPURA - It is confirmed that three prospective pilgrims from Papua will not be able to go to the Holy Land to perform the Hajj this year.

"Indeed, there are three prospective pilgrims who canceled their departure for Mecca, so they were replaced with other candidates," said Musa Narwawan, Head of Hajj Affairs at the Papua Ministry of Religion, in Jayapura, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 28.

The three prospective pilgrims came from Mimika Regency. She could not go because she was pregnant, so the prospective congregation and their husband postponed their departure. Meanwhile, another person canceled his trip because he had not yet completed the COVID-19 vaccination.

One of the requirements for prospective pilgrims for the Hajj season 1443 H, is that they have received a booster vaccination, so that all three are replaced with reserves that have met the requirements.

Narwawan admits that this year's hajj season, Papua is allocated to dispatch 488 prospective hajj pilgrims from 16 regencies/cities.

The prospective pilgrims will depart for the Holy Land via Makassar embarkation on June 29 with a group of 15.

The cost of the pilgrimage (ONH) for the 1443 H pilgrimage season from the Makassar embarkation reached Rp 42,686,506.

There are also details on the hajj quota for Papua, namely Jayapura City as many as 140 people, Mimika Regency 114 people, Nabire 57 people, Merauke 52 people, Jayapura 26 people.

Then 19 people from Yapen Regency, 12 people from Asmat and Jayawijaya Regency, 6 people from Boven Digoel, 5 people from Waropen and Keerom Regency, 4 people from Mappi, and three people from Paniai and Sarmi.

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