The Head Of Police And The Sidak Dandim Found Traders In Sidoarjo Selling Bulk Cooking Oil Above HET

SIDOARJO - Police officers from Sidoarjo East Java together with Kodim 0816 Sidoarjo East Java found sales of bulk cooking oil sold by traders above the highest retail price (HET) set by the government.

Sidoarjo Police Chief Kombes Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro together with Dandim 0816 Sidoarjo Lt. Col. Inf. Masarum Djati Laksono said bulk cooking oil by traders was sold at a price of Rp. 16,000 to Rp. 19,000 per kilogram.

"We found that retail prices for bulk cooking oil, such as Porong Market and Betro Market, Sedati, were above the government's HET regulation, which was Rp. 14,000 per liter," said Sidoarjo Police Chief Kombes Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro, quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 28.

Traders of bulk cooking oil who sell above the government's HET provisions will be given education and are advised to follow the price provisions from the government.

The Sidoarjo Police together with the 0816 Sidoarjo Kodim and related agencies will also continue to massively check price stability and the availability of cooking oil.

"We will also check with the cooking oil distributor, in order to support the government's provisions regarding HET sold by traders. So that traders have no difficulty determining the selling price to the public. Meanwhile, the availability of cooking oil in the Sidoarjo Regency area is still safe," continued the Police Chief. Sidoarjo.

Meanwhile, Dandim 0816 Sidoarjo Lt. Col. Masarum Djati Laksono, appealed to sellers of bulk cooking oil to immediately adjust the retail price set by the government. In the next few days the TNI, Polri and related agencies will go down together to ensure the HET of the cooking oil.

"Currently we are making appeals to the market and agents, there has been no action. The hope is that by following government regulations regarding bulk cooking oil HET, people's needs can be met and price stability can be maintained," he said.

Meanwhile, the HET for bulk cooking oil has been determined by the government through the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 33 of 2022 concerning the Governance of the People's Bulk Cooking Oil Program (MGCR) which is effective from May 23, 2022. In this regulation, the HET of bulk cooking oil per liter is Rp14. .000 or Rp. 15,500 per kilogram.

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