East Jakarta Police Release Exhibitionist Perpetrators Who Often Take Action In Duren Sawit Area
Exhibitionist in Duren Sawit Battered Beaten by Residents After Removing His Pus in Front of Small Children/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - Riyanto Simanjuntak (41), the alleged exhibitionist finally breathed free air after being released from legal entanglement at the East Jakarta Metro Police. The perpetrator was released on Thursday, May 26, yesterday.

The man, who is suspected of often engaging in exhibitionist acts, was released or not detained by the police because the perpetrator was mentally retarded.

"The victim did not make a report. The perpetrator is already a bit mentally retarded. (the perpetrator) was sent home yesterday, it happened on Wednesday night right," said the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kasat Reskrim) of the East Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Ahsanul Muqaffi when contacted by VOI, Friday, May 27.

However, when asked whether there was evidence of psychological test results that stated the perpetrator was mentally retarded, the East Jakarta Police refused to explain.

"I haven't checked (the results of the psychological examination). As for the information from the investigators, (the perpetrators) are a bit underdeveloped. What is clear is that the victim does not want to make a report. The point is that's all," he said.

Currently, the alleged exhibitionist is not being detained at the East Jakarta Metro Police.

"How come, the name is a person with mental retardation and there is no report. But there has been a statement, there is a settlement by deliberation," he explained.

Previously, it was reported that an exhibitionist named Riyanto Simanjuntak (41) was beaten badly by residents after he was caught performing indecent acts in front of a number of underage girls on Wednesday, May 25, evening.

The perpetrator carried out an exhibitionist action on Jalan Delima 2, in front of SDN 05, RT 04/03, Malaka Sari Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta.

The perpetrator, who is registered as a resident of Malacca Jaya, Duren Sawit, took out his genitals in front of three girls.

Even according to local residents, the perpetrators have often committed crimes at the scene.

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