JAMBI - The joint search and rescue (SAR) team consisting of the TNI, Polri, Basarnas, BPBD and residents finally found the body of Dani (23), a young man who drowned in the Batanghari River in Tebing Tinggi Village, West Tanjungjabung, Jambi, dead. "Dani's body was found by a joint team, it turned out that it was only 200 meters from the location where the victim fell and was swept away by the current of the Batanghari River, the victim was found Thursday (26/5) at around 21.00 WIB before the team stopped searching that night," said Head of the Jambi Basarnas, Abdul Malik in Jambi, Friday, May 27. The victim's body was found after the joint SAR team searched for two days. The victim Dani drowned in the Batanghari River, precisely in the Tebing Tinggi area after trying to save his boat which was swept away by the current, but the unlucky victim fell and drowned in a flowing river current. it was quite heavy and the case was then reported to Basarnas which immediately dispatched the SAR team to search with the TNI, Polri and BPBD as well as a local resident. At 22.00 WIB after the victim was evacuated to the funeral home, the joint SAR team closed the SAR operation and they returned to their respective units. The Jambi Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) as the front line in rescue efforts and the search for victims was always on standby to receive all incoming reports. Currently, Basarnas Jambi already has several representative offices or branches, such as Tanjungjabung Barat, Kerinci and Bungo. quoted between.

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