SULBAR - The Trans Sulawesi route was inundated by floods caused by high-intensity rains that hit Malunda District, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi (Sulbar) on Thursday, May 26, afternoon.

Vehicles cannot cross the trans-Sulawesi route in Malunda District, either from the direction of Majene Regency or from the direction of the city of Mamuju because it is flooded.

Jamal, a local resident, said that the flood that occurred after heavy rains on Thursday at 3 p.m. WITA submerged the trans-Sulawesi route in Malunda sub-district to an adult's knee height, causing a number of residents to panic.

According to him, the flood poses a risk for motorists to cross, so that queues of vehicles occur on the trans-Sulawesi route.

Floods due to overflowing rivers in Malunda Sub-district also submerged a number of local residents' settlements, so that residents saved their valuables to higher places so they wouldn't be damaged.

"Some residents are also still trapped in the flood and panicked, because it is difficult to cross the flood to evacuate to a safer place," he said, as reported by Antara.

Jamal said that a two-wheeled vehicle belonging to a resident was swept away by the flood.

He hopes the local government can help evacuate residents trapped by the flood to a safe place. "Residents need the help of the local government to evacuate residents who are trapped by the flood because the flood is still happening, and residents are worried that the water has not receded," said Badaruddin, one of the residents.

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