JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya named 131 people as suspects behind the demonstration against the Job Creation Law which ended in chaos on October 8 and 13. They were named suspects because they were involved in the vandalism.

"Until now, Polda Metro Jaya has named 131 people as suspects," said Head of Metro Jaya Police Inspector General Nana Sudjana to reporters, Monday, October 19.

"Of the suspects, the majority are mostly students, there are students, students, unemployed students, the average vocational school students, there are anarcho groups," said Nana.

From the results of the investigation they were involved in the destruction of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) building, the destruction of cars in Pejompongan, and acts of vandalism. But of the hundreds of suspects only half were detained.

"So yesterday there were only 28 people, now it has increased to 69 people (detained)," said Nana.

The articles that were suspected against 131 suspects, namely Article 212 of the Criminal Code concerning fighting officers, Article 218 of the Criminal Code concerning violating the rules of not crowding, Article 170 of the Criminal Code concerning committing violence against people and property and Article 406 of the Criminal Code concerning vandalism.

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