JAKARTA - President of the United States (US) Donald Trump appealed to his supporters in Nevada to vote early. So did Biden, who asked North Carolina residents to vote faster before the final debate on the US presidential candidate.
For Trump, Nevada is one important area. In 2016, he almost lost there. While campaigning in Carson City, Nevada, the state where voting begins on Saturday, October 17, Trump told the audience: Early voting is in progress, so get out there and vote.
Meanwhile, in North Carolina, the battlefield where 1.4 million, or 20 percent of the voters, had voted on Sunday, October 18 morning. Biden asked the public to vote as quickly as possible.
In 2016, Trump won the vote in North Carolina with 3.66 percentage points. "We have to keep the extraordinary momentum going; we can't stop, "said Biden during his drive thru campaign and his supporters agreed by honking." Don't wait. Vote today. "
Launch Reuters , Monday, October 19, Biden also criticized Trump for over the weekend said COVID-19 in the US has been "turned off the bend." Biden noted that the rate of new cases across the country had risen to its highest level in months.
"As my grandfather said, 'This guy is going to go round the corner if he thinks he's turned the corner,'" said Biden. "Things got worse, and he kept lying to us about the situation."
Despite Trump's recent recovery from COVID-19, the incumbent taunted Biden in Nevada for his cautious approach to the pandemic. There is little social distancing in the crowded outdoor campaign at Carson City airport.
"If I really listen to scientists, we will now have a country that is going into a major depression," Trump said.
Trump and Biden will meet again at the final debate on Thursday, October 22 in Nashville, Tennessee. Their second scheduled debate, due to be held on Thursday 16 October, was canceled when Trump withdrew because he was reluctant to debate virtually.
The Presidential Debate Commission has announced the second six topics of debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Topics were: "Combating COVID-19", "American Family", "Race in America", "Climate Change", "National Security", and "Leadership".
Trump will campaign every day of the debate, including stops in Arizona and North Carolina, said campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh. Trump is lagging behind in polls at the national level and in many states on the battlefield, said Biden campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon.
"We cannot be complacent because the very searing truth is that Donald Trump can still win this race, and every indication we have is that this will fail," he wrote in his memo.
Reportedly, around 27.9 million Americans have voted, either by post or in person. The large number of Americans who voted earlier was driven in large part by fears they would crowd the polls on November 3.
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