KENDARI - The Kendari Basarnas conducted a search operation for a 7-year-old boy named Fatin who was reported to have drowned in the Malili River, Wewangiru Village, Malili District, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi).

Head of Basarnas Kendari Aris Sofingi said his party received information regarding the incident from an employee of the East Luwu BPBD named Rimal.

"At 2:33 pm, Mr Rimal from the East Luwu BPBD reported that a dangerous condition had occurred, one person was suspected of drowning while bathing with his friends in the Malili River," he said in Kendari, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, May 25.

Based on the report, at 2:50 p.m. WITA, the East Luwu SAR Alert Unit Rescue Team, which is still the work area of the Search and Rescue Office (KPP) or Kendari Basarnas, was dispatched to the scene of the accident to provide SAR assistance.

"The team went to the scene using a rescue car carrying a rubber boat (inflatable boat) and other safety support equipment to provide SAR assistance," he said.

The victim was previously reported to have said goodbye to his mother to go bathing in the Malili River with his friends.

"Until this information was received the victim had not returned home, when his friends were asked about the whereabouts of the victim, the victim's friends were afraid and confused to answer, so the family concluded that the victim allegedly drowned in the river," he said.

Until the incident was reported to Basarnas, the family and the surrounding community had searched but with no results.

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