JAKARTA - As many as four people were injured when a wall fell on a building in Cengkareng, in RT 02 RW 07, Cengkareng, West Jakarta. So far, the police who are conducting an investigation into the incident have not yet identified a suspect.

The incident occurred on Sunday, May 22 at around 10.15 WIB. It has been two days since the West Jakarta Police officers are still examining the related parties and witnesses.

"There is no (suspect) yet and we are still investigating. (the builder at the time of the incident) is about to install the iron," said Cengkareng Police Chief Kompol Ardhie Demastyo when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, May 25.

Ardhie also said that 4 residents who were injured as a result of falling debris from the building had returned from the hospital and it was reported that the building owner would provide compensation and compensation.

"The victim was treated by the hospital and immediately went home. Yesterday the warehouse owner through his legal representative said that he was ready to be responsible for compensating and providing compensation to the victim," he explained.

So far, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cengkareng Police has summoned the warehouse owner for further information.

"Yesterday we called the owner of the warehouse for questioning," he said.

From the results of the police investigation, it is known that the collapsed building is an old building. About five years the building was unused. So that when it will be used, when the process of repairing the building it collapses.

"The building is old, yes, during the elevation process, the building finally collapsed. There are no suspects in this case," he said.

Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan explained that the collapsed building was being renovated.

"Initially, the workers were renovating the warehouse. When drilling was carried out on the back wall of the east side of the building, suddenly the 12 meter high and 16 meter long wall collapsed towards the residential area," he said in a written statement, Monday, May 23.

Zulpan said one worker and three residents were injured in the incident. The four of them underwent medical treatment at the Cengkareng Hospital.

The identities of the three victims are Sri Purwaningsih (39), Nurmala Khaira Lubna (2), Shera Silvi Antarini (18), and Surani (55).

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