JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court continues the alleged embezzlement case worth Rp. 22 billion involving a husband and wife (couple) with the initials FH and N after the panel of judges rejected the exceptions of the two defendants.

"Objections are rejected, the trial will continue next week with the agenda of examining witnesses," said the panel of judges led by Krisnugroho at the South Jakarta District Court, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 24.

This embezzlement case began with FH and N establishing a property development company PT Permata Cita Indo Karya in 2017 to build housing in the Sukapura area, North Jakarta.

The couple FH and N in this company served as commissioners and directors who were able to raise Rp22 billion from the down payment of 50 home buyers.

In the course of time in March 2019, FH and N recruited SA as a director at this company.

Until 2020, the promised housing for the two couples has not been built.

SA, who is in direct contact with consumers, then checked PT PCIK's bank statement in September 2020, it turned out that the remaining balance was only Rp. 2.5 million.

SA then reported the case to the Polda Metro Jaya on October 5, 2021 and followed up by arresting the husband and wife in Solo, Central Java on April 5, 2022.

SA's attorney, Daniel Ricky from the Oliver and Osmond Law Office, said the arrest of the husband and wife was also to answer questions from 50 home buyers who had already deposited a down payment.

Regarding the case, Daniel said that he had prepared a number of witnesses, namely directors, former directors, consumers, marketing staff, and independent auditors who checked checking accounts.

He also said that from the results of the independent auditor's examination, it was found that there were many flows of funds to third parties such as air tickets and others that were not related to the construction of houses.

Even the results of the inspection of land for houses as promised to consumers are also not available.

As a result of the case, the husband and wife are now threatened with Article 374 of the Criminal Code regarding embezzlement in office with a maximum prison sentence of five years.

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