JAMBI - The Jambi Basarnas team dispatched a team and a number of equipment, especially rubber boats to help evacuate a number of residents in Jelutung whose houses were submerged by more than one meter of floodwater.

Public Relations of the Jambi Basarnas M Lutfi said the SAR team after receiving reports from residents immediately went to the location in Jelutung and immediately lowered the rubber boat.

The team in the field is currently trying to evacuate residents whose houses were flooded. "There were no casualties from the flood victims in the Jelutung area, Jambi City, the team only evacuated flood victims," said Lutfi, quoted by Antara, Selsa, May 24.

Meanwhile, regular flooding every time it rains heavily has often occurred without a solution from the government and until tonight the water is still flooding a number of houses of Jambi City residents.

Floods occur due to the narrowing of water catchment areas due to the construction of housing and office houses (ruko) which is also the cause of flooding in the city.

Responding to the flash floods that occurred in a number of Jambi City residents' settlements, Member of Commission III of the Jambi Provincial DPRD H Ivan Wirat who is also a former Head of PUPR Jambi Province said the causes of flooding in Jambi City were, among others, the main drainage capacity was not in accordance with the water flow, narrowing of drainage. .

Then, sedimentation and erosion occurred in the river and main drainage, land use change in the upstream area of the Batanghari river overflow, the influence of tides on the Batanghari river, excavation of city facilities such as telephone cable networks, PDAM channels, culvert pipes obstructing the flow of drainage water and customs. people throw garbage in the river.

According to Ivan Wirata, Jambi City is traversed by at least seven rivers that flow in the Jambi City area, such as the Little Kenali River, Big Kenali River, Kambang, Asam, Tembuku, Silincah/Lubukraman and Teluk River. The longest river and the widest watershed (DAS) is the Kenali Besar River which empties into the Kenali Kecil River.*

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