Danny Pomanto Feeling Slandered, Appears Again Adama-Attributed 'Demon' Rice In Makassar
Danny Pomanto / Instagram dpramdhanpomanto

MAKASSAR - Candidate for Mayor of Makassar, Moh Ramdhan Pomanto (Danny Pomanto) is furious with the slander that has sprung up. This time there was a finding of the distribution of basic necessities which made a fuss about Danny Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi (Adama).

"There has been an incident that has greatly disadvantaged the Adama couple. The first is that in one sub-district and another, the distribution of groceries on behalf of the Adama couple is taking place, ”Danny Pomanto was quoted as saying on Instagram dpramdhanpomanto, Sunday, October 18.

"This is exactly the same as the report we received. There are allegations of planning to use the Adama attribute to make it visible (violation) of TSM," he added.

It is suspected that there are certain parties who want to harm candidate number 1 in the Makassar Pilkada. Danny Pomanto emphasized that he does not have a policy of distributing basic foodstuffs or any model to the public to get votes.

"So that if there are things like that, we hope the police and Bawaslu will immediately take action. Once again, there is no policy whatsoever from the Adama team to distribute basic foodstuffs, it is all slander if they use Adama's attributes, "continued Danny Pomanto.

Previously reported, Bawaslu Makassar handled the case of alleged money politics by distributing basic foodstuffs to residents. The alleged violation is related to the pair number 1 M Ramdhan Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi.

"Witnesses, in the form of evidence, billboards then rice and packaged instant noodle oil are evidence," said Zufikarnain, the Coordinator of the Supervision, Public Relations and Inter-Agency Relations Division of the Makassar City Bawaslu, VOI, Tuesday, October 13.

The alleged violation was handled directly by the Gakkumdu Center. The reporting file is submitted to the Makassar Police.

Even though the allegations of money politics have met the elements, Bawaslu will still carry out investigations. There are 14 working days for Bawaslu to process this case.

"Investigators have time to complete witnesses and evidence," he said.

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