JAKARTA - BUMN Minister Erick Thohir congratulated and encouraged the graduates of the University of Indonesia (UI) to continue to develop themselves to face the challenges ahead.

"For graduates, don't make graduation the end of the struggle, but this is the first moment to face the big challenges that exist in the future," said Erick Thohir when giving a virtual speech at the UI graduation ceremony in Depok, quoted from Antara , Saturday 17 October.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia will face economic, technological, globalization challenges, and it is not impossible that a pandemic will return.

"As young people, you are the spearhead of the nation, never stop contributing to the country we love, never tire of loving Indonesia," said Erick.

He said that the government was preparing a good ecosystem to encourage the growth of the trade, investment, services, tourism, maritime, agriculture and other sectors.

This program will not be successful without the support of the community, including UI graduates who are certainly ready to contribute to the country.

"We are looking for the best talents to join us in making our SOEs the best in global competition," he said.

UI Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ari Kuncoro in his graduation speech said that in order to answer current and post-pandemic challenges, universities must transform and collaborate.

"This pandemic is a momentum for UI to independently run muruah real universities," he said.

The upstream to downstream process has been passed, from researching in the laboratory to pouring thoughts into an innovative product that can be produced and distributed throughout Indonesia.

"The graduates are also expected to be able to go directly to the community to solve solutions to various challenges and problems that arise in the midst of the pandemic and post-pandemic," he said.

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