SEMARANG - The tidal flood or tidal flood that hit the mainland with a height of more than 2 meters hit the coastal area of Semarang City, Central Java, especially the area around Tanjung Emas Port.

"The height of the tidal flood, which coincided with today's high waves, was recorded at 210 centimeters", said Head of the Tanjung Emas Maritime Meteorological Station, Retno Widyaningsih, quoted by Antara, Monday, May 23.

She said tidal flooding and high waves that occurred due to the end of the cycle after the full moon and the earth with the moon in its closest position also hit coastal areas in Rembang, Pati, Demak, Pekalongan until Tegal regencies.

"The existence of tidal flooding and high waves that started at around 13.00 WIB caused the runoff to the mainland to feel quite heavy", she said.

Based on information obtained from around the location of the incident, the tidal flood in the Tanjung Emas Port Area was exacerbated by the broken embankment so the affected area was quite large.

Previously, the Tanjung Emas Maritime Meteorological Station had issued an early warning related to tidal flooding and high waves to the public.

"We issued warnings for tidal flooding and high waves for May 23-24, 2022", said Retno.

Coordinator of Observation and Information for Tanjung Emas Maritime Meteorological Station Semarang Ganis Erutjahjo added that the wave height in the Pantura area of Central Java to the North Sea of Central Java in the next three days will be around 125-200 cm.

"The high waves push seawater overland so that at the peak of the tide, the push of seawater automatically increases the height of the tide, which affects the size of the affected area at this time", she said.

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