MATARAM - Mataram Police received closed circuit television (CCTV) camera footage of an unknown person shooting a motorist on Jalan Gajah Mada, Mataram City.

"So from the results of the investigation, we have obtained CCTV footage showing the perpetrator shooting the victim on Jalan Gajah Mada," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, quoted by Antara, Monday, May 23.

By getting these instructions, Kadek Adi ensured that his party had determined the direction of the investigation, which was strengthened by processing the crime scene and pre-reconstruction of the incident.

His party asked members of the Mataram Police to check all CCTV footage along Jalan Gajah Mada, Mataram City.

"I ordered members to check within two hours of the incident seen in the CCTV footage at 21.25 WITA," he added.

The results of a provisional analysis of the CCTV camera footage showing the arrow's action, he continued, indicated that the victim was indeed the target of the action.

"So, the results of the temporary analysis are more inclined to personal issues; because in the recording, it seems that the perpetrator is deliberately targeting the victim. If you really want to confuse the security situation, anyone can be a target," he said.

The new clues came from the residents' CCTV camera footage, he said. He also saw this as a form of community support for the Police in uncovering the case.

"We thank the residents. Hopefully with the support of this community, the role of the perpetrators can be immediately revealed," he added.

The action of an unknown person shooting a driver took place Saturday (21/5) night. At the time of the incident, the victim from Bebidas, Pagesangan District, Mataram City, was riding with his wife to the supermarket.

As a result of the incident, the victim's left arm was hit by an arrow made of nails with a length of about 10 centimeters. The victim admitted to the police that he did not know the perpetrator. The victim saw the perpetrator was riding in a two-wheeled vehicle.

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