JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan said the majority of the millennial generation did not understand what reform was.

According to him, at the time of the fall of the new order, the millennial generation was still small.

"They certainly have a newer and more contemporary mindset, they are not trapped in the romanticism of reform," said Zulkifli Hasan, quoted from Antara, Sunday, May 22.

Zulkifli revealed, as many as 60 percent of Indonesia's population is currently the millennial generation and generation Z.

He added that there was a need for a new narrative for Indonesia's young generation regarding reform.

"Reformation is quite memorable, but its spirit needs to be renewed with the spirit of today. Reformation is the desire to change quickly for the better, to fix the bad things," said Zulkifli in his statement in Jakarta, Sunday.

According to Zulfikli, the thing to remember from reform is not just anger against the government, students taking to the streets, massive demonstrations or the collapse of power.

Zulkifli said that the 24th anniversary of the Reformation must be used as a momentum to renew the spirit of reform so that it does not fall behind like 24 years ago.

"Reform is the spirit to improve the nation, the spirit to move to a better future," he said.

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