BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto has threatened to close minimarkets that dare to stand and operate close to each other, less than 500 meters from each other. Previously, the Bogor City Government had not given permission for this condition.

Bima Arya said he agreed with the DPRD's insistence that he act following the operation of 222 minimarkets in close proximity without a permit.

"I agree, I support, yes. From the start we were firm. I will check again, if it is against the rules, let alone against the RTRW, it will not be allowed. There is no story, we will definitely close it," said Bima Arya, quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 19.

Bima Arya responded to the DPRD's criticism regarding the operation of hundreds of minimarkets, but the management has not heeded it nor has any action taken by the Bogor City Government.

The Mayor of Bogor emphasized that there would be no further gaps in the future, except for closures.

"We are closed. We will check again, we will close," he said.

Commission I of the Bogor City DPRD previously asked the local government to take action against 222 minimarkets that did not have a permit because they were close together.

The council assessed that the number of minimarkets close together was due to the lack of integrated licensing in the Online Single Submission (OSS).

Chairman of Commission I DPRD Bogor City Safrudin said that with the issuance of a mayoral regulation (perwali) regarding integrated licensing, DPMPTSP is expected to immediately make improvements so that in the future the community can be more flexible in using OSS.

Safrudin said there were still 103 perwali that had not been issued by the Bogor City Government, including business permits.

He mentioned the implementation of licensing for the construction of minimarkets in the city of Bogor which is not supervised because one of them has not been integrated with permits.

He assessed that the implementation of Perwali Number 10 of 2017 concerning Supermarket Management and Development has not been maximized.

Whereas in the perwali it is clearly emphasized that the establishment of minimarkets has a special limit of at least 500 meters. But in reality, there are still many minimarkets that stand close together.

Moreover, the City of Bogor already has Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2021 concerning the Protection of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives which intersect with the implementation of the regulation regarding minimarkets.

The distance of minimarkets also affects the growth, development, and existence of MSMEs and cooperatives rather than allowing minimarkets to mushroom in the city of Bogor irregularly.

From data released by the Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and MSMEs (Disperindagkop UMKM) of Bogor City, out of 520 minimarkets, 222 of them have not yet obtained a supermarket business permit (IUTS).

Previously, the chairman of the DPRD for the city of Bogor, West Java, Atang Trisnanto, supported the IUTS moratorium on 222 minimarkets that had been established in his area, taking into account that the distance was quite close.

According to him, the Bogor City Government's discourse regarding the moratorium should be supported because it is necessary to limit the establishment of minimarkets in Bogor City.

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