BATANG - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) appreciates efforts to prevent potential corruption cases and the process of completing land asset certification belonging to the Batang Regency Government, Central Java.

"The preventive measures are quite good, they have been able to minimize the potential for corruption cases," said the Director of Coordination for Supervision III of the KPK, Brigadier General Bahtiar Ujang Purnama, in Batang as quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 19.

On that occasion, Ujang also provided integrity strengthening to the heads of regional apparatus organizations so that after the end of the term of office of the Regent of Batang Wihaji and continued by the acting Regent of Batang, he could maintain integrity.

"We will be present as partners to improve governance. There is nothing wrong, the KPK will always be present so that the governance of the Batang Regency Government is clean and clear and anti-corruption," he said.

Then for the completion of land asset certification, he added, because the Regent of Batang once owed a debt to complete the certificate of assets belonging to the regency.

"It turned out that today, before he retired, he paid off the debt. Today, I was invited to witness the handover of the land asset certification," he said.

The Regent of Batang Wihaji said that the district government succeeded in completing the certification of land assets of 1,800 parcels of land from the original target of 1,600 parcels of land.

"Before the end of my term of office, I have completed 1,800 parcels of land from the original target of 1,600 parcels of land. However, land assets will continue to increase every year so we are ready to complete them," he said.

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