JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR has scheduled a Working Meeting (Raker) with the government and election organizers namely the KPU, Bawaslu and DKPP on Monday, May 23, next.

The meeting was held following up on the understanding and shared perception that had been generated in the consignment meeting which was held on May 13, 2022.

DPR Commission II member Guspardi Gaus said the consignment meeting was intended as an effort to seek understanding and agreement on the stages, programs and schedule of the 2024 General Election.

"This includes discussing in more detail about the budget, which is still considered large," said Guspardi to reporters, Thursday, May 19.

The PAN politician revealed that there were several crucial issues that had been agreed upon in the consignment meeting. First, the issue of the election budget proposed by the KPU for Rp. 86 trillion has been rationalized so that it becomes Rp. 76 trillion.

Second, the problem of the duration of the campaign period. Where the Government proposes 90 days, the KPU asks for 120 days and the DPR faction wants 60 days.

"In the end, it was agreed that the duration of the campaign was 75 days, with a note that matters relating to election logistics need to be facilitated by the government by issuing a presidential decree to support the procurement of logistics for the 2024 election," said Guspardi.

Third, regarding election disputes. Guspardi said that Bawaslu had agreed to shorten the dispute resolution time. In addition, the DPR together with the government will hold a meeting with the Chairpersons of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court to discuss how to shorten the time for disputes in these institutions.

"If these two things get a positive response, the campaign period will be set for 75 days," he said.

The fourth issue discussed was that it was agreed that the 2024 General Election did not use electronic voting technology (e-voting) because infrastructure was still not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia.

"So the voting system still uses the method used during the previous general election in 2019," he explained.

Guspardi said that the results of the agreement in the consignment will be discussed soon for further decisions to be made in the Working Meeting between Commission II of the DPR, the Government and the Election Organizer, which is scheduled for Monday, May 23, next week.

"We hope that the preparation for the 2024 General Election should increase openness, transparency, and accountability and be more complete. Because from the start we wanted to design and make the concept of the 2024 General Election to be better than the previous election," he concluded.

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