JAKARTA - The President of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal emphasized that his party would not be involved in discussing the derivative rules of the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation. This step is said to be in line with the commitment of workers who reject this law, especially against the workforce cluster.

"Workers reject the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. Thus it is impossible for workers to accept the derivative regulations. Moreover, they are involved in discussing it," Said said in a written statement quoted on Thursday, October 15.

Said alluded to the DPR's stance on promising that workers would be involved in deliberating the law, but it seemed as if they were chasing deposits. This condition makes workers called Said feel betrayed.

In addition, Said suspects that the labor union will only be used as a stamp or means of legitimacy.

"Even though we have submitted a counter-draft of the labor proposal, but many of the suggestions we convey are not accommodated," he said, adding that the DPR's claim that 80 percent of the workers' requests had been granted was not true.

In the future, Said explained the four steps that were prepared after making a number of objections related to the Job Creation Law.

First, prepare further actions that are more measured, targeted and constitutional both at the regional and national levels.

"Second, preparing to the Constitutional Court for formal and material tests and asking for a legislative review to the DPR RI and an executive review to the Government," he said.

Finally, KSPI will conduct a socialization or campaign about the content and reasons for rejection of the Job Creation Law, especially the labor cluster by workers.

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