JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno conveyed the importance of training and capacity building through training and mentoring.

He said facilitation of licensing, marketing, financial reporting, and access to finance were also important.

"First of all, they need attention from the government. Together, we must come up with the idea of a creative hub," said Sandiaga in a statement, Wednesday, May 18.

Sandiaga's statement was delivered while attending the "Kelana Nusantara" event in Sragen, Central Java.

Kelana Nusantara is a space for Menparekraf to meet directly with creative economy actors, especially in Sragen, in order to hear firsthand about the obstacles and aspirations in the creative economy development in encouraging economic revival by creating business opportunities and employment opportunities.

He explained that the creative hub would later become a service center (one stop services) for various things needed by creative economy actors, especially MSME actors. Starting from BPOM licensing, raw materials, and others.

Moreover, Sragen Regency is considered by Menparekraf Sandiaga as having great tourism potential and creative economy (parekraf).

"The government will facilitate, will attend and work together and of course we can facilitate the enthusiasm of this extraordinary creative economy player," he said.

Sandiaga also really hopes that the tourism and creative economy of Sragen can develop. Moreover, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in collaboration with the Sragen Regency Government will also build the Sragen Tourism Polytechnic in order to produce superior and competitive tourism human resources (HR).

Various activities in the tourism and creative sector in Sragen show the spirit of revival that is already in sight, to open up business opportunities and create job opportunities.

"I believe that this will improve the welfare of the community according to the new economic order as directed by President Jokowi, we are shifting from a pandemic to endemic, but side with MSMEs," said Sandiaga.

According to Sandiaga Uno, the development of the tourism and creative sector sector needs to approach innovation, adaptation, collaboration, and digitization.

"Our economic revival is a quality awakening and has standards based on lessons learned from the pandemic, namely CHSE, namely cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability," he said.

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