PADANG - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) straightened out information related to the incident at the Class II B State Detention Center (Rutan) Padang on Saturday (14/5) night which reportedly experienced riots. "We need to clarify that there was no riot. On the contrary, the Padang Rutan officers in coordination with the police managed to prevent the commotion from happening," said Head of the West Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights R Andika Dwi Prasetya, in Padang, Tuesday, May 17. He said that through good coordination between the Padang Rutan and the police the situation was "Indeed there were about 25 people who threw dirty words at officers that were provocative in nature, but officers were able to prevent a provocative situation from turning into a riot," he said, quoted by Antara. Andika appreciated the quick action taken by the officers. The detention center was assisted by joint officers from the Padang Police and Koto Tangah Police that night. Even the number one person in the Padang Police, namely Kombes Pol Imran Amir, also went directly to the Padang Detention Center on Sunday (15/5) morning to ensure conditions. riots in the Padang detention center," he said. He said after the incident the West Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights as the parent of the West Sumatra Correctional Institution (Lapas) or the West Sumatra Prison had transferred 25 prisoners from the Padang detention center who committed inappropriate acts that night. They were transferred to various correctional institutions (Lapas) ) namely Padang Prison as many as two people, Bukittinggi 7 people, Pariaman 7 people, Sawahlunto Special Narcotics Prison 7 people, while the other two were criminally processed by the Padang Police for possession of sharp weapons. if any, they will be sent to Nusakambangan," he said. Andika said the incident at Rut Padang will be the basis for general evaluation so that there will be no more potential disturbances in security and order at the local provincial prison or detention center. Previously, a commotion at the Padang detention center on Saturday night was triggered by N inmates asking for permission to leave because a family member had died. However, the request was rejected by the detention center because it did not comply with the rules and was not equipped with administrative requirements. The inmate N who was not accepted by the detention center was then suspected of inciting dozens of other inmates to make a fuss at the Padang detention center.

The 36-year-old man along with about 25 other inmates then shouted obscenities towards the officers who were on duty that night. Fortunately, the commotion was suppressed and controlled by joint personnel from the Padang Police and Koto Tangah Police who went directly to the location. That night N and his younger brother T were willing to wait until Sunday morning while completing the necessary requirements and administration. When N and T were about to depart from the Padang Rutan for the funeral home, the police officers searched their bodies to ensure safety and it turned out that sharp weapons were found. With these findings, the two inmates were immediately secured by the Padang Police for further processing.

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