JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police brought a Ferrari car belonging to Indra Kenz which was evidence of the Binomo platform investment fraud and money laundering (TPPU) case from Medan to Jakarta. This is because the existence of the car is one of the requirements for the completeness of the Indra Kenz case file.

"That's right, to complete the case file so that the car was brought to Jakarta," said Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency, Commissioner Chandra Sukma Kumara, to VOI, Tuesday, May 17.

The Ferrari car is scheduled to be picked up today. Investigators have also been in Medan to take care of all the procedures.

The case file for Indra Kenz was previously stated to be incomplete both materially and formally. Thus, the Attorney General's Office returned the case file to the investigator or (P19).

"It's been P19 and now we are still in the process of completing the prosecutor's instructions," Chandra.

According to Chandra, according to the prosecutor's instructions, his party will complete the case file by taking additional information, so that the case file can then be returned to the public prosecutor for investigation.

"That there are some information that needs to be added and deepened again," said Chandra.

For information, the Ferrari car is one of several luxury items that have been confiscated by investigators from Indra Kenz.

There's also, a Tesla car and some luxury watches. Then, billions of rupiah in cash and crypto accounts.

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