PALANGKA RAYA - The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government stated that in 2021-2022 a total of 302 base transceiver stations (BTS) will be built in the local province as an effort to reduce the blank spots.

"This 302 BTS includes those through the Information and Technology Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) and non-BAKTI. This number also includes BTS that are active or not," said Head of the Central Kalimantan Communications, Informatics, Encryption and Statistics Agency (Diskominfosantik) Agus Siswadi in Palangka Raya was reported by Antara, Monday, May 16.

If you look at the distribution of points, for the village area, there have been enough blank spots that have been reduced. And if you see the need, about 350 BTS is still needed for the Central Kalimantan area.

"Usually there are several villages because it is influenced by the size of the area, it requires more than one BTS, which is between two to three BTS," he explained.

Agus admits that it is quite difficult to realize a signal-independent Central Kalimantan by the end of 2022, given the size of the local province and geographical conditions that are quite difficult in some stages of BTS construction, both in terms of material and others.

Furthermore, he explained, various challenges were faced in the construction of BTS in the regions, one of which was regarding land acquisition. Usually, when the people who own the land know the location or coordinates of the BTS construction site, the selling price suddenly rises significantly.

"The doubling of land prices is quite difficult, because the capabilities of the government and the appointed operators are also limited," said Agus.

According to him, problems like this have also been encountered in Central Kalimantan, so the governor has also written to the regent asking the regional government to facilitate in the regions to help solve challenges like this.

Agus emphasized that despite the various challenges encountered while in the field, the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government was committed and made maximum efforts to make BTS construction successful to achieve signal independence.

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