JAKARTA - The General Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has completed the indictment file for former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi and his son-in-law Riezky Herbiyono. Nurhadi immediately went to trial.

"Today, Wednesday, October 14, the prosecutor team handed over the case files of the defendants Nurhadi and Riezky Herbiyono to the Corruption Court in Central Jakarta," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri in a written statement, Wednesday, October 14.

After the case files are submitted to the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, the detention of Nurhadi and his son-in-law becomes the authority of the panel of judges.

"Next, the prosecutor will wait for the appointment of the panel of judges and the day of the first trial with the indictment reading agenda," Ali explained.

Previously, Nurhadi and his son-in-law were named by the KPK as suspects in a case of alleged bribery and gratuity of Rp46 billion. The suspect was named when the KPK was still chaired by Agus Rahardjo.

The bribe is suspected to be related to the processing of civil cases at the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, regarding gratuities, Nurhadi is suspected of receiving prizes related to the handling of land dispute cases at the cassation level and a judicial review at the Supreme Court.

In addition, the KPK is currently developing a case of suspected bribery and gratuity that charged Nurhadi with the alleged crime of money laundering by collecting data on assets owned by the former MA Secretary.

To find evidence that corroborates the act of money laundering, this anti-graft agency will summon a number of sick people to ask for confirmation about existing assets.

However, because it does not have sufficient evidence to charge Nurhadi in the money laundering crime case, the KPK is still focusing on the main subject of Nurhadi's case, namely the suspicion of bribery and gratification.

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