JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin said a number of Western countries sacrificed everything for the sake of dominance, including the threat of famine, when their countries were able to face external challenges.

The blame for the global consequences of sanctions against Russia, including the possibility of starvation in a number of countries, according to President Putin lies in the hands of Western countries, where for their dominance they are ready to sacrifice the whole world.

He noted that a number of countries were already facing the threat of starvation and if sanctions against Russia continued, the European Union could also face consequences that would be difficult to reverse.

"The blame for this lies completely and completely with the elites of Western countries, who in order to maintain their global dominance are ready to sacrifice the whole world," the Russian leader said.

In turn, Russia is confidently facing external challenges, he added, thanks to the responsible macroeconomic policies of recent years, as well as systemic solutions to strengthen economic sovereignty and technological and food security.

"Our production companies are gradually filling the domestic market niches that were liberated after unscrupulous partners left, including basic goods, industrial equipment and services, construction and agricultural machinery," he concluded.

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