JAKARTA - Two groups of teenage boys in Kali Baru, Cilincing, North Jakarta were involved in a clash using sharp weapons. It's sad that the local residents did not disperse the brawl, but instead heated up the situation by saying encouraging words to the perpetrators.

In the video, it can be seen that dozens of people took part in the brawl. During the incident, one of the teenagers fell and was eventually attacked and beaten by his opponent using a sickle and a machete.

"Stab-butt," said the local resident while recording the video.

Contacted separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Cilincing, AKP Alex Chandra confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Tuesday, May 10, at 23.30 WIB.

He estimates that dozens of people took part in the action. The average age is 15-18 years. But Kanit said that none of the perpetrators carried sharp weapons.

"That's right, but we immediately disbanded. he doesn't use a sharp weapon, but uses bamboo, but it's still dangerous," said Alex when contacted by VOI, Thursday, May 12.

Alex said, as a result of the incident, there was one person who was injured by being hit with a bamboo stick. The victim's initials DM (15).

"The victim has returned from the hospital. He had a head wound, it wasn't a dangerous one," he said.

He confirmed that the case was being handled by his side. The perpetrator is still being chased.

"The perpetrator is under investigation. (Meanwhile) the victim is scheduled to be examined and 1 witness is at the crime scene (TKP)," he concluded.

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