JAKARTA - The Prosecutor's Office of West Pasaman, West Sumatra, Ginanjar Cahya Permana reminded the head of the regional work unit (SKPD) not to pay attention to individuals who use their names to ask for money.

"I strongly condemn this act. Heads of SKPD or service heads do not believe in requests for money claiming my name. I emphasize, I have never asked for, let alone extorted, SKPD heads," said Ginanjar, Thursday, May 12, quoted from Antara.

He was surprised when he received information from the head of the SKPD who called, that someone on behalf of the West Pasaman Kejari asked for some money.

In addition, the person also used a photo of himself in WhatsApp messages. The photo was confirmed to have been taken by an individual from an existing photo news portal.

"I want the person to be framed and arrested so that it is clear who sold my name. Don't be afraid, because I have never asked for money, let alone extorted money," he stressed again.

According to him, the use of his name clearly disturbed him. He suspected that there were parties who tried to damage his name.

"Don't believe the head of the SKPD and if it's still there then trap and arrest him," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Pasaman Fisheries Service, Zulfi Agus, said that he was contacted by an individual who claimed to be the Head of the West Pasaman Kejari and was also the Head of the Special Crimes Section asking for Rp. 20 million.

Initially, he said, the person claimed to be the Head of Special Operations Unit and said Kajari Pasaman Barat needed Rp. 20 million in cash.

"The person then ordered him to directly contact the Kajari by giving him a phone number. At that time I called and it was said that the fake Kajari needed Rp. 20 million and was in Padang City at the time," he said.

At that time he deliberately served the phone of an individual who claimed to be the West Pasaman District Attorney. To be sure, the person was invited to meet in person, but he was not willing.

"From the start I was suspicious and didn't believe it because the phone number he was using didn't match Mr. Kajari's original number, so I invited him to meet him directly," he said.

Apart from individuals acting on behalf of the Head of the State Prosecutor's Office, the heads of services also often receive calls from individuals who claim to be the Head of the Intelligence Section asking for some money.

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